London Mayor and terror apologist, Ken Livingstone, is up to his old tricks again.
Ken Livingstone has been attacked for producing a dossier defending a Muslim cleric who is reported to have suggested that Westerners killed by the tsunami deserved to die.On Tuesday the mayor published an 80 page dossier defending himself against claims he should not have met Islamic scholar Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi last year.In a piece of unfortunate timing for Livingstone, the Times published quotes from al-Qaradawi suggesting the recent disaster in Asia was a punishment for the behaviour of Western tourists.The mayor invited the cleric to a number of events in London last July and was condemned by groups representing Jews, homosexuals and others for welcoming a man they claimed stirred up hatred.In response Livingstone had a report drawn up investigating the claims and says that almost all of the allegations against the cleric are false.“I have a responsibility to support the rights of all of London’s diverse communities and to maintain a dialogue with their political and religious leaders, irrespective of the fact that there will always be different views on many issues,” Livingstone said.—-However reporter’s at Livingstone’s weekly press conference questioned his assertion that al-Qaradawi was a moderate in light of his latest comments.He is quoted by the Times as saying: “People must ask themselves why this earthquake occurred in this area and not others… Whoever examines these areas discovers that they are tourism areas.“Tourism areas are areas where the forbidden acts are widespread, as well as alcohol consumption, drug use and acts of abomination… Don’t they deserve punishment from Allah?”Livingstone replied that although he did not agree with everything the cleric said, it was important to engage with the “liberal wing” of the Islamic world.
I guess this is not surprising for someone who has advocated jailing Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Now I wonder if Ken will throw his support behind Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed.
Muslims living in Britain are facing two choices; either to migrate or to join the jihad, a key Islamic figure has said.Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, leader of the now officially disbanded Islamic militant group Al Muhajiroun told United Press International Saturday that as the covenant of security under which Muslims previously lived in Britain has been broken, Muslims must now consider themselves at war.“And I declare we should ourselves join the global Islamic camp against the global crusade camp,” he said.—-He called on Muslims to form a new coalition united behind al-Qaida with Osama Bin Laden as their leader.—-Those who did not wish to either leave or fight would not be regarded as Muslims, said Sheikh Omar, condemning in particular the Muslim Council of Britain for urging the Muslim community to cooperate with the British government.“They are hypocrites, we don’t believe they are Muslims,” he told UPI. “In a time of crisis, who ever allies with them (the kuffaar — non-believers) is one of them, so I don’t believe they are Muslims in the first place.”—-“We have the right to support our brothers and sisters abroad financially,” he said. “They’re recruiting us to join the British Army to go and kill our brothers and sisters. Why? We believe that everybody that does this becomes apostate, but we don’t stop them because they can do whatever they want.