So, consider these facts: A married religious man diddles the babysitter, and subsequently impregnates her.
After the wife is informed, she agrees to adopt the child if it is a boy. If it is a girl, it is the babysitter’s sole problem.
The babysitter is passed off as the diddler’s about-to-be-divorced pregnant sister. She gives birth to a boy in the couple’s home, and the child is registered as belonging to the couple. The boy grows up believing his real mother is his aunt, who, incidentally, is allowed to see the boy on condition that she continues to have sex with the diddler. This arrangement is not known to the wife, who, upon finding out about the continuing sexual shananigans, promptly trashes the babysitter’s health food store.
After all of that, the Jerusalem Police Superintendent has this to say:
Jerusalem Police Superintendent Eli Cohen said yesterday that “our only surprise in this story is the fact that it’s not so hard to give birth to a child and present him as somebody else’s son, officially, in the State of Israel.”
I guess he has seen a lot weirder things in his life than I have.