In case you are wondering why on Earth I would post a picture of a Star Trek movie poster, don’t worry. I have not become a Trekkie. I merely want to show you a picture of Kirstie Alley and Leonard Nimoy (marked with a yellow circle) together, in peace and harmony. Because the next picture of them together might involve Alley raining blows on Nimoy, while Nimoy tries to apply the ‘Vulcan death grip.’
Leonard Nimoy is no Kirstie Alley fan.The Star Trek star has got some notice for his work as a photographer. His 2003 book of photographs, Shekhina, caused a stir with its mix of female nudes and religious iconography.He has a new photo show, Maximum Beauty, set to open in New York this northern summer.The subject matter? Plus-size women.The photo collection shows women from a California-based burlesque group, Fat Bottom Revue, in various poses, dressed and undressed.Time magazine asked Nimoy about that other representation of large women on TV, Alley’s semi-fake, semi-real Showtime comedy, Fat Actress.Nimoy, who turned 74 on Saturday, opened up with guns blazing.“It’s deplorable, dishonest and contrived,” he told Time about Alley’s show.“My models are proud people. (Alley is) lying on the floor crying.”
The only thought scarier than the two of them in a fight is the idea of “Spock” as a nude photographer.