Ynetnews reports on Mahmoud Abbas’ referendum initiative.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told representatives of factions in the dialogue committee late Monday that he intends to announce a referendum on the prisoners’ plan to establish a Palestinian nation next to Israel on the 1967 borders, thus recognizing the existence of the Zionist state, after negotiations with Hamas representatives failed.‚ÄúAbbas announced that he had no choice but to call a national referendum,‚Äù said Khalida Jarar, a representative of the People‚Äôs Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who participated in the discussions. Hanan Ashrawi confirmed that the sides failed to reach any last-minute agreement to avoid the referendum.
So let me get this straight. 13 years after we signed the Oslo Declaration of Principles with the PLO (under which they were to recognize Israel’s right to exist), and after Israel has handed over much territory, weapons, and funds to the palestinians, while receiving nothing but terrorist attacks, empty promises, and a Hamas government in return, there is only now talk of calling a national referendum on recognizing Israel’s right to exist?
I would have thought that knowing whether or not the majority of people with whom we have signed a peace agreement actually want peace, is a prerequisite to that peace agreement, and certainly a prerequisite to all the good faith measures we have (unilaterally) carried out.
Are we that stupid? I guess we are.