Beware the nerd wrath:
Moby was a hate-target for Star Wars “nerds” when he dated Natalie Portman. The We Are All Made of Stars musician briefly romanced the stunning actress – who played Queen Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker’s mother, in three of the sci-fi movies – in 2000, but admits the relationship angered some hardcore Star Wars fans.
He told Spin: “I guess in some people’s eyes, nerds might be mildly sexy – and, as a nerd, I’m certainly happy to enjoy some of the effects of that. But as far as the very brief affair that I had with Natalie, it’s made me a target of a lot of nerd wrath. You don’t date Luke Skywalker’s mom and not have the fans hate your guts.”
Here is one man reportedly infuriated by the union.
In other news, Moby dated Natalie Portman.
Updated: Leaving his goofy looks aside (because we all know there is more to a person than their appearance), I couldn’t quite understand how Natalie Portman could hook up with someone like Moby, especially considering she seems to have common sense and a decent moral compass.
Then I found this story about the follicly challenged one:
Moby is outraged at the continuing loss of innocent people over politics and land. Over the weekend there were three terror attacks by Palestinian suicide bombers on Israeli citizens. A total of 25 people were killed in three different violent acts.
Moby wrote in his online journal, “Damn f–k. Three Palestinian suicide bombings in 24 hours? F–k them. They are killing innocent people. I don’t care about the politics involved. I don’t care about issues of autonomy and statism. I don’t care about avenging historical wrongs. Lots of innocent people are dead, and I don’t see how anyone can defend or justify that. What sane Muslim in the world really thinks that Allah is pleased by the deaths of innocent people? Religious fanaticism is getting more and more offensive every day. If you want to be a fanatic, fine, just keep your fanaticism to yourself and stop killing innocent people.”
Say what you want about Moby (and I have..and will), at least he has come out unequivocally against terrorism.
Even against Jews.
Which is something many others have trouble doing.