Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, on whose troops Hizbullah just opened a can of whoop ass, wants everyone to know he’s not intimidated by Hizbullah, despite the fact his government caved in to their demands.
He also wants everyone to know who the real enemy is.
Guess who.
“What Hizbullah did is a coup,” Siniora said Saturday. “Hizbullah has become the problem of all of Lebanon. We are not scared of its weapons.”
Later Saturday, an opposition statement said Hizbullah and its allies will end all armed presence in Beirut after the Lebanese army overturned government measures against the group. “”The Lebanese opposition will end all armed presence in Beirut so that the capital will be in the hands of the army,” the statement said. However, the opposition noted that “civil disobedience” will continue.
By Saturday evening, eyewitnesses reported that trucks carrying Hizbullah gunmen were leaving Beirut as Lebanese soldiers were deploying in the streets.
The reports came shortly after the Lebanese army announced that it will comply with Hizbullah’s demands, namely refraining from replacing the Beirut airport’s security chief and allowing Hizbullah to maintain his separate communication network.
Siniora added that “we believed and we still do that the real danger to the country comes from the direction of Israel – our true enemy. However, the experience we are going through at this time shows that our democratic regime has fallen victims to our homeland brothers.”
“We did not underestimate the resistance against Israel, but what is Hizbullah doing in Lebanon?” Siniora said. “What is it doing on the roads to the airport? Is it controlling the road to Tel Aviv by controlling these roads? Syria is our sister and Israel is the enemy.”
This is the man supported by the Americans, and makes a further joke of UN Resolution 1701 which, among other things, provides that “there will be no weapons without the consent of the government of Lebanon.” Clearly, the government of Lebanon has until now consented to Hizbullah being in possession of its weapons against Israel. And here’s an even clearer indication:
In his first public reaction to Hezbollah’s takeover of west Beirut, Mr Siniora decried what he called a “poisonous sting” to democracy.
He said Hezbollah’s weapons could no longer be considered to be legitimately held because they had been turned on the Lebanese themselves.
In other words, they were legitimately held while being used to kill Israelis.
Lebanon has in the past been called the “Paris of the Middle East.” I would posit that it only similarity with Paris these days is its hatred of Jews Zionists.