Below I will explain clearly why I’m posting this link to Iowahawk’s latest satirical new item “We Didn’t Get the Memo About Obama”. Iowahawk has the sole surviving Mumbai terrorist blaming their savage slaughter on not learning in time that Obama was the president of the US.
“Jeez, I’m… I don’t know, I just never got any kind of memo,” said Kasab. “The ironic thing is that just the other day, when we were ritually shaving our testicles for final martyrdom, a bunch of us were talking about how great and symbolic it would be if the American infidels would only elect an handsome, articulate young African-American infidel. That way we could just lay down the suicide belts and scimitars and suitcase nukes and finally get involved in the positive aspects of community activism, like raising awareness for breast cancer research. Look, I know it’s a cliche to point fingers at the IT department, but our email system really sucks. And it’s hard to find a decent wi-fi hot spot in Northwest Pakistan.”
I’ve been deeply affected by what has happened in Mumbai. First of all I’m a life loving human so on that level, as a real human (even one often falsely flagged as right wing) I can’t help being shocked even while knowing this will happen again and again. The cries of Moshe are just too much to take.
I’m posting this link to Iowahawk because it is damned clever satire and it so beautifully makes a simple point: its not about Bush, or Iraq or even Palestine or Kashmir. Its the Jihad. The same 1400 year Jihad all infidels are condemned to fight for ever by the words and deeds of Muhammad as reported and believed by (presently) more than a billion Muslims.
It shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, though it could be made slightly better if we fought back with shows of strength and stopped paying them to kill us with our energy Jizya payments.
There is no reason to blame anybody or anything except the terrorists who commit these acts and the ideology disguised as a religion that commands them to do it. The fact that many Muslims don’t support violent Jihad is “nice” but its not enough. They should have to fight against their fellow Muslims or they too are supporters of the killers of pregnant mothers and little girls. Any support of the aims of Jihad (converting everyone to Islam) is equally repugnant.
And finally, if you’re interested in hearing a song about this (no, really) try listening to “It’s Just an Excuse” by Weapon of Musical Defense. You can listen to the whole song streaming on their new web site or buy their album. It might be something you can use to inform others if you’ve already understood this.