Taken from the real martyr bios from the always entertaining Hamas website.
For previous profiles, see here.
But Nidal’s dream was as large as his sense of sacrifice. He was the first to dream and realize the dream of Al-Qassam rockets. He dedicated his time, resources, and energy towards making the first Qassam rocket. And he succeeded. One day, he came to his mother saying, “Look mother, I’ve made a rocket.” The mother was surprised and held the small rocket in her hands. Then she prayed to Allah for her son and the mujahideen.
Nedal came to his mother saying ” look mother , Allah help me to make a rocket ” The mother was astonished and hold the small rocket and read some versed from the Quran on the rocket and asked Allah to protect the Jihad and Mujahedin in Palestine.
Sheikh, I’ve assembled a rocket.
Nidal went to meet the overall leader of Al-Qassam Brigades, Sheikh Salah Shehada. When he saw Sheikh Salah, Nidal said, “Sheikh, I’ve assembled a rocket.” Sheikh Salah was astonished and said, “Nidal, what are you saying?”