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During the OIC summit currently being held in Cairo, Abbas gave a speech, beginning it with praises to his fellow despots.

When it was time to flatter the Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi, Abbas called him Muhammad Hosni.

Morsi was not impressed:

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Then again, Egyptians are calling Morsi the new Hosni, so it’s understandable

About the author

Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
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