Firstly, in case you are wondering what Mimouna is:
Mimouna (Hebrew: ??????? Arabic: ???????) is a traditional Moroccan Jewish celebration held the day after Passover. It marks the start of spring and the return to eating chametz, i.e., leavened bread and bread by-products, which are forbidden throughout the week of Passover.
And now for some guests of honor spotted at some of last night’s Mimouna celebrations.
Adele Biton, 3, critically injured in a stoning attack on her family car near Ariel in the West Bank, most likely would not have survived without the quick aid she received from a Magen David Adom paramedic who rushed to the scene. Monday her family decided to thank him by making him the guest of honor at their Mimouna celebration.
“I had been to Mimouna before, but this was the most emotional celebration ever,” said paramedic Muawiya Qabha.
Hundreds of people celebrated Mimouna on Monday in the settlement of Yakir, but Qabha was the special guest. Aharon Cohen, who blessed him, said, “We dedicate this event to the recovery of Adele, and to Muawiya, who saved her, and who we hope will save many more lives.”
Qabha was the recipient of many blessings – including one from the deputy commander of the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division and from the head of the Shomron Regional Council, who both attended the celebration.
In keeping with tradition, Qabha was honored with mufletas. “I may be an Arab, but because of the holiday I also was without hametz. I waited an entire week to taste these (the mufletas).” After the celebration in Yakir, he continued onto the Schneider Children’s Medical Center, to visit the parents of Adele.
Hollywood actor Gerard Butler, who arrived in Israel this week to promote his new film, “Olympus Has Fallen,” found the time to participate in a traditional Mimouna celebration at the home of producer Leon Edri in Caesarea.
The post-Passover North African Jewish celebration was also attended by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sara and their son Yair, who all posed for a picture with the American star.
Butler left Israel for London on Tuesday morning.
Update: Some more photos of Butler with the Netanyahus, including these begging for a caption.