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This popped up in my twitter stream this morning, retweeted by Jessica Montell of anti-Israeli NGO B’Tselem:

gay magen david

It links to this:

Gay Rights in Palestine? It Could Happen Sooner Than You Think

Oh by the way, Arabs are fighting for LGBT rights too. Today’s spotlight (and my current obsession): Al-Qaws, a Jerusalem-based organization promoting sexual and gender diversity in Palestinian society.

Haneen Maikey, the director of the organization, told the Electronic Intifada in May, “We want to start an honest conversation that can also raise… limitations and tough questions. It’s not to be accepted, but rather to bring the society to a safe place that we can discuss these issues.”

Considering Arab society’s current stance on homosexuality, open discussion of LGBT rights seems like the best place for Al-Qaws to start. There is no doubt that there are homosexuals in the Arab world and that many even live openly. In some countries, same-sex activity is technically legal, though same-sex relationships are not recognized by the state. In other countries, homosexuality is punishable by death. No country, though, has legalized gay marriage.

Al-Qaws aims to fill the gap between what Palestinian society doesn’t know about homosexuality and what it needs to. The organization does this by pushing four main goals:

1. Help build an well-established Palestinian LGBT community dedicated to activism

2. Destabilize social structures that reinforce gendered norms

3. Deepen social awareness and discourse

4. Help develop an alternative vision for sexual and gender identities, one rooted in Palestinian-specific culture and history

Read the rest.

The final line, however is a gem:

Al-Qaws hosts a “Palestinian Queer Party” each month. The next will be on August 23, 2013. Location: TBD, Israel. Find more details as they arise here

That’s right, the only place in “Palestine” you’re going to hold an open “Queer Party” is in… Israel.

I’m told there is a Muslim country which treats gays with as much openness and tolerance as Israel: it’s called Imaginistan. I can’t find it on my world atlas, but I’m sure its out there somewhere.

About the author

Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
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