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Israellycool Exclusive: Erdogan’s Evidence Israel Behind Egypt Coup

Our favourite deranged Islamic leader, since the fall of Qaddafi, is without a doubt Erdogan, who for the past decade is slowly turning Turkey into yet another Islamic hellhole – protester shooting included.

His latest bit of antisemitic, anti-Israel libel comes in regards to the Egyptian coup/recoup/revolution/counter-revolution/etc.

Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt coup: Erdo?an

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?anhas claimed that Israel was behind the July 3 military coup in Egypt, adding that Ankara has evidence as to the country’s involvement in President Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow.

“Now the West starts to say democracy is not the ballot box or not only the box but we know that the ballot box is the people’s will,” Erdo?an said Aug. 20 at an expanded meeting of the provincial chairs of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

“This is what has been implemented in Egypt. Who is behind this? Israel. We have evidence,” the prime minister said, citing a meeting between an intellectual and the justice minister in France before the 2011 elections.

Erdo?an said the intellectual was Jewish. “‘The Muslim Brotherhood will not be in power even if they win the elections. Because democracy is not the ballot box’: This is what he said at that time,” Erdo?an said.

In an Israelycool exclusive, I give you the evidence:

Isaiah 19:2

“And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians, and they shall war one man against his brother, and a man against his friend, a city against a city and a province against a province”

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Turns out the “real” evidence is this panel held at Tel Aviv University on June 2nd, 2011, attended by Tzipi Livni and Bernard Henri Levy, were he, i.e, the ‘Jewish intellectual’ referred to by Erdogan, said the following (starting at 0:56):

Q: How do we choose between moral and realpolitik? Let’s say that we’re in September and we have elections in Egypt, and let’s presume that the Muslim Brotherhood win a majority in the parliament. What would be your position? Will you accept the idea that the military regime in Egypt has to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from taking the power in Egypt, like it happened in Algeria, or we have to play the democratic game and let the Muslim Brotherhood “win” Egypt, like Hamas did in Gaza?

A: … I had the same feeling in Gaza [winning party is opposite democracy], for me it was a putsch, a coup, a democratic coup, but a coup. If Muslim Brotherhood arrive in Egypt, I will not say “democracy wants it so let democracy have it’s way”, of course not. Democracy, again, is not only elections, it is values… But by belief now, if you want my bet, and I take a risk saying that. My bet is that, again I’m not an expert on Egypt, but as all of you I try to look at what happened there. My bet is that the new atmosphere prevailing in Egypt will not be a good such a good wind for the Muslim Brotherhood. I don’t buy the theory which is expressed here and there that the Muslim Brotherhood are the only organized force, that they are the only ones able to take advantage of the situation. This is not my prediction, I may be wrong on that, but it’s not my prediction. I believe that they will delude themselves…

Q: But just to understand, You’re saying that if they were to win a legitimate election, you would urge the military not to allow them to take power?

A: I will urge, I will urge the prevention of them coming to power but by all sorts of means. I said that in Algeria and I don’t regret it. It opened a terrible period of disturbance, of chaos, murders and so on, but I believe that it would have been worse if we had let them come to power

How did Erdogan get from this, to Israel being behind the turmoil, is beyond me, or any other sane person in this world.

About the author

Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
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