Meet New York City cab driver Gabriel Diaz.
A New York City cab driver, who was suspended for wearing a Nazi armband while driving his taxi, insisted on Friday that he has a right to display his National Socialist beliefs.
During an interview with CBS New York, the 26-year-old Gabriel Diaz proudly admitted being a “National Socialist – what you guys call a Nazi.”
Diaz told CBS that being a National Socialist did not make him an anti-Semite. “I don’t hate Jews. I’m critical of them, but I don’t hate them. That doesn’t mean that I’m anti-Semitic. That don’t make me a hater,” he said.
But when asked whether he knew that 6 million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, Diaz refused to comment saying only that he believes “we have been told lies about Hitler our whole lives.”
But the cab driver expressed no such remorse. “It paints me that I have to apologize. You know, it pains me. I don’t want to apologize. Why don’t they suspend a Muslim for wearing a turban?”
Diaz stressed that his rights were being curtailed, “If I have to apologize then a homosexual should have to apologize for being open and gay.”
The cab driver, however, promised to leave the swastika apparel at home when he returns to his work.
Being a Neo Nazi makes him a hater and a moron. What catapults him into the stratosphere of moronism is..well, this: