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Lunatic Israel Haters Harass Pro-Israel Girl In Melbourne

CapturemelbThis took place yesterday, 19th July 2014, in Melbourne Australia.

A large group of Anti-Israeli thugs were at a rally when a lone Pro-Israel girl showed her face with an Israeli flag. They proceeded to shout at her while chasing her and then instead of engaging in dialogue, they did what ever Anti-Israel hater does….they harassed her and ripped her flag from her hands. I am sure if the police were not there, they would have harmed her.

It is typical of these people to behave this way.

About the author

Picture of Documenting Israel

Documenting Israel

I document daily events in Israel relating to many aspects and situations. I also monitor Arab media sources and show footage that most Israeli media do not even show. Telegram channel Twitter:
Picture of Documenting Israel

Documenting Israel

I document daily events in Israel relating to many aspects and situations. I also monitor Arab media sources and show footage that most Israeli media do not even show. Telegram channel Twitter:
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