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One Celebrity Rules Pro Israel Twitter. You Won’t Believe Who

Roseanne Barr

It may come as a surprise, but in this humble blogger’s opinion, the most veraciously pro-Israel celebrity on twitter is……. Roseanne! Roseanne was once considered by many – and in particular by this blog – to be no friend at all of the Jewish State. In fact Israellycool has in the past called Roseanne out on many occasions for her past comments on Israel’s affairs. You can see some examples here, here and here. However regular readers of the blog will also know that we have been documenting Roseanne’s journey from the dark side to the correct side of the force and we are proud to know that she is even an occasional reader of the blog!

Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, Roseanne – a prolific tweeter with over 115000 tweets – has been taking on Israel’s enemies around the clock. It should be noted that Roseanne is in favor of a one state solution that she refers to as “Israstine”, but there can be no mistaking on whom she places the blame of the recent conflict. Here is a selection of her tweets:

And those are just in the last 24 hours or so.

Roseanne also takes on some of this blog’s favorite a-holes. Here’s one of my favorites.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to you Roseanne. You are a true Mensch (or whatever the non-sexist version of that word is).


Roseanne has read the article and corrected me regarding “Israstine”

About the author

Picture of Jono Rose

Jono Rose

Having been brainwashed at a young age, Jono moved to Occupied Palestine 20+ years ago from Australia. After 15 years selling insipid Jew technology to immoral, BDS snubbing foreigners he decided the ultimate evil would be to sell the cancerous Zionist Regime as a product itself. He now works selling luxury private tours of the heinous Zionazi hellhole to infidel supporters of Apartheid, colonialism and Western Imperialism.
Picture of Jono Rose

Jono Rose

Having been brainwashed at a young age, Jono moved to Occupied Palestine 20+ years ago from Australia. After 15 years selling insipid Jew technology to immoral, BDS snubbing foreigners he decided the ultimate evil would be to sell the cancerous Zionist Regime as a product itself. He now works selling luxury private tours of the heinous Zionazi hellhole to infidel supporters of Apartheid, colonialism and Western Imperialism.
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