We already knew comedian Jon Lovitz was pro-Israel and not afraid to show it. So it is no surprise that in the past days, he has been busy on Twitter defending Israel and blasting Hamas.
Israel has every right to defend itself. If you don’t want a fight with Israel, don’t pick one.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
Also, like Israel said, the loss of civilians in Gaza is a tragedy.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@__ShirMcC__ Israel warns civilians to leave before they bomb. Hamas leaders tell them to stay. Then the leaders run for their lives.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization, uses civilians as human shields. You should be upset with them, not our ally.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@ezinder @Mardelicious23 Let’s be clear. Jews fight back. Don’t pick a fight with with a Jew. It’s retaliation times ten. Word of warning.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
“@ezinder: @Mardelicious23 I see your point.. You want an equal amounts of carnage for a “fair” fight.. Gotcha!” WAR ISN’T FAIR.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@Mardelicious23 @ezinder Go fight for Hamas, then.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
“@_CrotalusAtrox_: @ezinder @Mardelicious23 Maybe don’t pick fights with people who are better equipped. Just a thought.” BINGO!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
“@GFVAMom: @realjonlovitz Israel is fighting the same war against radical Islam that we are.” Exactly!!!
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@AvFan11 And notice whenever Israel fights back, the U.N. and USA say cease fire. Hamas fires 3000 rockets, the U.N. says nothing.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@__ShirMcC__ I read them, I don’t agree. Israel wants peace. Hamas wants to destroy Israel.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014
@WVUGuy29 It’s tragic but Israel cannot and will not be passing any longer. Hamas can stop firing rockets and it will stop.
— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) August 4, 2014