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Just in case it wasn’t clear to anyone with eyes, both Bret Stephens and Jeffrey Goldberg — though they disagree on the assignment of blame — have now run headlines announcing the split that Aussie Dave called out three weeks ago: Barry and Bibi appear to be through.

Some of Obama’s biggest recent grievances in that relationship seem to have been over Jews living in various neighborhoods in Jerusalem. In the past few weeks, Obama or his spokespeople have expressed their displeasure with Jews moving into homes they legally purchased in Silwan, planned construction of mixed Jewish and Arab housing in Givat Hamatos, or Monday’s announcement of homes in Har Homa and Ramat Shlomo. Rather than go on a lengthy rant about my complete and utter disappointment at my own President, I though we’d just take a trip in the Wayback Machine, to 2008 . . .

when then-Senator Barack Obama said “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.” Yep, he said that. In 2008.

About the author

Picture of Mirabelle


A Zionist in exile, Mirabelle has, in past lives, been a lawyer, a skier, and a chef. Outside of Israel, her favorite place in the world is Sun Valley, Idaho.
Picture of Mirabelle


A Zionist in exile, Mirabelle has, in past lives, been a lawyer, a skier, and a chef. Outside of Israel, her favorite place in the world is Sun Valley, Idaho.
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