One day after his bizarre meltdown on Twitter, CNN correspondent Jim Clancy went trigger happy on his block button, likely blocking the maker of Transformers toys Hasbro in the process, because it sounds too much like Hasbara.
In an extraordinary display of professional integrity, every single person who interacted with him directly or indirectly since the meltdown is now banned from viewing his posts.
My only interaction with him…
.@clancycnn @JewsMakingNews @elderofziyon Congrats on your 50th follower, Elder!
— Unsanctioned Hamas Mickey Mouse Knock-off (@NotAntiSemitic) January 8, 2015
…earned me a block, but others were blocked for far less crimes, even retweeting or favoriting something he didn’t agree with gave you a block.
Even #ClancyBlockedMe2 is now a thing!
#ClancyBlockedMe2 Tweets
So we ask you, readers of Israellycool. If you are not yet blocked by Jim Clancy, please do so immediately. Club members will enjoy fantastic benefits including, not having to put up with Jim Clancy’s twitter account any longer.