Brian pretty much nailed it earlier when he said, in response to the news that Iran will inspect its own nuclear sites, that “The Onion wants its report back.”
I personally was rendered speechless at the news. But Twitter . . . is never speechless.
Iran will inspect itself if it suspects itself of suspicious activity. #IranDeal
— Abe Greenwald (@AbeGreenwald) August 19, 2015
Wait… So if Iran can investigate their own nuke sites do they have to give themselves 24 days notice?
— Unsanctioned Hamas Mickey Mouse Knock-off (@NotAntiSemitic) August 19, 2015
I'm going to inspect my own car for parking violations from now on. #IranDeal
— Dr Brian of London 🇮🇱 (@brianoflondon) August 20, 2015
When i hear the words "most robust inspection regime ever" this image pops up in my mind #IranDeal #JCOPA
— benwaxman (not a parody) (@benwaxman) August 20, 2015
Yuval Steinitz on @AP Parchin inspection report: "one must welcome this global innovative and outside-the-box thinking"
— Tal Shalev (@talshalev1) August 19, 2015
Tablet is even making it quite clear:
Iran will hire #Iran to inspect nuclear facilities in Iran that Iran denies having: #IranDeal
— Tablet Magazine (@tabletmag) August 19, 2015
Kerry: Who will investigate Iran violations?
Zarif: What about Disney characters?
Kerry: Compromise—you investigate your own violations— Lee Smith (@LeeSmithDC) August 19, 2015
— Max Abrahms (@MaxAbrahms) August 20, 2015
Aaaand then there’s this.
To be clear, there are no “secret side deals” to @TheIranDeal.
— Sec. Ernest Moniz (@EnergySecMoniz) August 19, 2015
Updated 12:00: Brian added a few more tweets.