Once again, Press TV have provided a platform for DouchebloggerTM Richard Silverstein to spread his hatred of Israel.
And once again, the results are hilarious. I mean, if you can get past the disgusting lies he tells. It starts with the usual introduction of Silverstein as a “journalist and political commentator” (and I am the Easter Bunny) – before the camera pans to him sitting in his car wearing a brown leather jacket!
Think Jerry Seinfeld in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee but without any interesting guests, humor or any discernible talent to speak of.
I am not sure why he went with the car thing – perhaps he needed to make sure there were no embarrassing interruptions.
Bonus humor: The weird-ass facial expressions and ticks – such as pursing his lips at 1:11, making bunny rabbit nose-twitching at 2:35 followed by lizard tongue at 2:37, a nose wipe at 2:49 (or was it a pick?) and a final lizard tongue at the end of the interview, right after espousing his “powerful Jewish lobby” claim.