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Exposed: Holocaust Denial Literature In Auckland Libraries

Israellycool reader K has alerted me to the fact that Auckland libraries have a copy of a book called The holocaust hoax exposed : debunking the 20th century’s biggest lie by a guy called Victor Thorn.

Sure enough, it’s there.

In fact, the global library catalog WorldCat indicates that Auckland Libraries is the only library storing this book in the WorldCat database.

If you click on the book title, this description appears:

“Today, if a book similar to this one were published in Europe, its author would be arrested and imprisoned. Their crime: simply questioning the so-called holocaust where six million Jews were allegedly exterminated during WW II. Indeed, researchers have endured solitary confinement, brutal beatings by Jewish assailants, ongoing harassment, lengthy court battles, career suicide, and media attacks directed against their work all because they presented a revisionist history of this pivotal event. Other writers have been the victims of hate crimes, extensive smear campaigns, fines, death threats, and monetary rewards placed upon their heads after going into hiding. The perpetrators behind these jack-booted Thought Police tactics are an entire holohoax industry devoted to suppressing factual data in favor of peddling heavy-handed doses of propaganda. Despite these obvious dangers, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed dissects every element of what has become the 20th century s most grotesque conspiracy. Covered in jarring detail is the mythology surrounding concentration camps, the truth about Zyklon B, Anne Frank s fable, how the absurd six million figure has become a laughingstock, and the betrayal by maniacal Zionists of their own Jewish people that led to their deaths (via starvation and disease) after Allied bombings cutoff supply lines to German work camps. Yet, the only way an Israeli state could be created on stolen Palestinian land following WW II was through the most outlandish lies imaginable. Consequently, the holohoax industry has become a tyrannical dictatorship that incessantly manipulates, distorts, marginalizes and manufactures false results to achieve their Machiavellian ends. By taking their hysterical obsessions to psychopathic levels, the charlatans behind this ruse make it glaringly apparent how weak their foundation is. To compensate, these intellectually dishonest con men (and women) continue to persecute revisionist historians all because they re incapable of supporting their arguments through legitimate debate. The Holocaust Hoax Exposed is the final nail in a rotting coffin that has long been buried beneath a plethora of deceit.”–Publisher’s description.

But there’s more. Clicking on the tag Holocaust denial literature (how quaint, right?) brings up more antisemitic books in their libraries, including:

The hoax of the twentieth century by A.R. Butz.

Description from Amazon:

First published in 1976, this slightly revised and enhanced edition of “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century” is the seminal work of Holocaust revisionism and still the most widely read on the subject. In 502 pages of penetrating study and lucid commentary, Dr. Butz gives the reader a graduate course on the subject of the Jews of World War Two Europe — concluding not only that they were not virtually wiped out, but what’s more, that no evidence exists to date to confirm that there was ever any Hitler attempt to do so. Chapter by solidly referenced chapter, Dr. Butz applies the scientist’s rigorous clinical technique to every cornerstone of the legend. He focuses on the post-war crimes trials where the prosecution’s false evidence was secured by coercion and even torture. He re-examines the very German records so long misrepresented; he critiques the European demographics, which do not allow for the loss of the Six Million; he re-evaluates the concept and technical feasibility of the gas chambers with some startling conclusions; and he separates the cold facts from the sheer tonnage of disinformation that has served as a formidable barrier to the truth since the end of WWII. This is the book that has caused unprecedented shockwaves throughout the academic and political world. Its open sale has been banned in an increasing number of countries including Germany and Canada. It is a book violently denounced by those unable to refute its thesis — the most hysterical reactions to it coming from those whose own historical views cannot withstand the light of honest review. Now in its third edition, five major supplements have been added to bring the reader up-to-date on the continuing Holocaust controversy and its impact almost everywhere World War Two is discussed. A best-seller by any meaningful standard, yet still ignored and maligned by the people who have known of it but have never even made the effort to read it, “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century” is a book you must read if you want a clear picture of the scope and magnitude of the historical cover-up of our age, who is behind it, and what can be done to put an end to it.

What’s more, these books are categorized as “non-fiction”!

This is abhorrent, espcially considering it is Auckland taxpayers footing the bill for these books.

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Mirla Edmundson
Email: [email protected]

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About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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