If you ever needed proof the word “Zionist” is the antisemites’ code-word for “Jew” look no further than this news item:
A public broadcaster in Hungary broadcast an Iranian leader attacking George Soros as “an evil Zionist-American multi-billionaire,” spurring condemnation from Hungarian Jewry.
On Wednesday “Hirado,” the main news show of the state MTVA channel, also included quotes from Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the supreme spiritual leader in Iran, saying that Soros was responsible for destabilizing and defeating former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s regime.
Critics of the broadcast, including Mazsihisz, the umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, said it risks stoking anti-Semitic sentiment.
Soros is vehemently anti-Israel, funding many anti-Israel NGOs, including those that actually disseminate their own antisemitism. He is an anti-Zionist. So those labelling him a Zionist are clearly trying to hide their Jew hatred behind the facade of “anti-Zionism.”
Soros has blamed European antisemitism on “the policies of Israel and the US.” I guess he will do so again here, which will stoke his own hatred of Israel. It’s about time he learned that the cause of antisemitism is….hatred of Jews.