It started when anti-Israel DouchebloggerTM Richard Silverstein tweeted the following, including the Twitter handle of the parody Mossad account.
The eyes of justice are on Israel's assassins and their accomplices like @TheMossadIL Their time will come.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) April 22, 2018
Prompting this tweet by Honest Reporting.
Very amusing. @richards1052 appears to think that @TheMossadIL is the genuine account for Israel's spy organization. Mossad is an intelligence organization. @richards1052 shows a real lack of intelligence however! 🙂
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) April 22, 2018
Clearly, Silverstein did not like it.
Dishonest Reporting not only lies about CJFE, it falsely claims I don't know that this site is as fake as a $3 bill.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) April 22, 2018
I haven't been spoofed or fooled. I've been ridiculing that infantile site for months. Y'all are idiots for believing anything Dishonest Reporting claims.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) April 22, 2018
I knew that site was fake from the first I laid eyes on it and have been tweeting its fakery for months. Which makes you fool.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) April 22, 2018
Yeah, about that.
When a spy agency takes to ridiculing children's books, you know some spook somewhere isn't doing his job cuz he's spending too much time surfing the net.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) November 25, 2017
Mind you, he claims to have know the site was fake “from the first [time] I laid eyes on it.” Which explains everything.