Meet the 75-year-old palestinian woman who only just passed her high school exams.
But she gets an A+ in blaming Israel!
We are supposed to believe she never passed the exams before because she kept getting arrested right as she took them. She must think we are as dumb as she is (causing her to fail the exams for the past god-knows-how-many years and say really stupid things like “Culture is the core of resistance”).
By the way, if she had been arrested this many times, rest assured it was not because she was taking high school exams. Or playing bingo.
Update: Gary makes a great point in the comments:
If she’s 75, then that means she was born in 1943 or the back half of 1942. So her high school graduation should have been around 1961, years before the ‘occupation’ of Hebron. If she was ‘arrested’ then, it would have been by the Jordanians.