In honor of my wife’s memory, and to help continue her amazing legacy, I will be republishing over the next few months some of her writings, which not only give an insight into how amazing she was, but really helped inspire so many people around the world.
My plan is to also publish her writings in a book, along with testimonials from those who were somehow inspired or helped by her (whether by her writings or good deeds). If that includes you, please send your experiences to me at israellycool-at-yahoo-dot-com.
Cultivating My Watermelon
First published Nov 7th 2015
It’s been a long stretch on my journey to get back to my #Happylanche.
Tic tock- we ALL live thinking we can beat the clock. I’m the only one who can resurrect the Love + Faith = Joy and surrender to live life as long as my “house” will stand.
It’s my choice to keep running on my own path – running with the cancer while keeping my household happy, clean, and healthy as possible.

As I sweat my fears away for the moment… I’m still here. I can cry or smile on the same day and my house still stands strong – for now.
Nobody knows when the wolf will blow their house down so I’ll keep building my bricks and unlock the door to the friendly only….
Tic tock. We’re all racing the clock – run against it or with it. Only you can decide.