Here are two graphs I prepared this morning. Can you guess what each one shows?
The first one shows the Jewish population in these Arab countries since 1947
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Iraq
- Libya
- Morocco
- Syria
- Tunisia
- Yemen
from where approximately 850,000 left, (predominantly due to persecution, antisemitism, political instability, poverty and expulsion, although some did move for Zionist reasons), while the second shows the aggregate population of Arabs in Israel and (what is commonly called) Gaza and the West Bank.
Yet the Israel-haters have performed a huge bait-and-switch, convincing many that Israel has been engaged in ethnic cleansing (and even genocide), when in fact, an argument can be made that the opposite is true.
Inter-Agency Task Force on Israeli Arab Issues
Previously on Israellycool: Poster Time: What A Genocide Isn’t