Redline Tinting is a business in Yakima, Washington, which provides drivers, homeowners, and business owners with window tinting services.
They also seem to provide – free of charge – their commentary on the palestinian-Arab/Israeli conflict:
The question is: did Redline Tinting really use the Israeli flag as a mat at the entrance of its shop, or did someone passing by just throw it down there?
Option A is a definite possibility:
Ali also seems to have been the owner of Ali’s One Stop Mini Mart. No word yet on whether that is still the case (although his email address mentioned below does seem to indicate that), or whether that store also seems to be using the Israeli flag as a welcome mat.
You can let Ali know how you feel about this, and hopefully get his response:
Phone (as advertised on their website): +1 509-426-2394
Email: [email protected]
And, of course, spread the word to your fellow Jews and all who care about Israel.