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Act-IL App, I Hardly Knew You

Founded in 2015, Act-IL leads an online community that acts on social media platforms, fighting antisemitism and positively influencing the narrative regarding Israel. Since its inception, Act-IL has provided simple daily missions that include reporting incitement, creating and sharing content, initiating and signing petitions, taking part in dedicated online campaigns, and more. One of the ways it did this was via an app, which enabled the crowdsourcing of pro-Israel activists worldwide and organized and synchronized the establishment and daily work of pro-Israel communities via social media platforms.

The app is now dead, Jim.

Tens of thousands of people used the app, but I wasn’t one of them. I have, over the years, developed my own methods for curating content and having my finger on the pulse of the important issues, including surveying social media and networking with Israel activists. I never had the patience nor the time to look at the app, and the idea of “missions” is an anathema to me.

The haters, who generally do not have much to celebrate, are trying to turn the app’s closure into some kind of victory.

It’s not. The message from ACT-IL is clear: due to evolving trends with social media, they are decommissioning the app, but will still be using social media channels to share their daily calls of action and content. As you can see, ACT-IL has always been more than just an app.

It is business as usual, just more focused.

And presumably less expensive. The claim that the Israeli government spent $570,000 building the app comes from this Hebrew article, which was translated into English by +972 magazine. If true*, I admit to being frustrated; I have been very outspoken that the Israeli government should be helping out sites like this, which have a proven track record in being effective, without all the bells and whistles. And by helping out, I mean providing some financial assistance so we can continue doing what we do without strings attached. Being able to be independent and do things our own way is vital – I would never compromise what I write (including criticism of the Israeli government when warranted, like here) and how I write it for any kind of remuneration.

Having said that, goodbye ACT-IL app, I hardly knew you. But I am aware of the other work ACT-IL does, and the haters should not be happy. They should be worried.

*I have been informed from a reliable source that the ACT-IL never received finding from the Israeli government. They collaborated with them occasionally, but never took a dime.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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