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Anti-Israel Protesters Are The Dregs of Humanity: #723

Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital was established because no hospitals in the city would hire Jewish doctors at the time, so the Jewish community took matters into their own hands.

In August of 1913, four immigrant women from Toronto’s Jewish community started knocking on neighbourhood doors to raise money for a hospital. The Jewish immigrant population in Toronto was burgeoning; most of the new immigrants didn’t speak English and were afraid of large institutions.  And, sadly, not a hospital in the city would give Jewish doctors a place to practice.

It took them nine years, but by 1922, the Mrs. Cohn, Miller, Spiegel and Adler had raised $12,000, enough to buy a building at 100 Yorkville. In 1923, The Hebrew Maternity and Convalescent Hospital opened its doors. Much has changed about that hospital since it opened. The name became Mount Sinai Hospital and it moved locations several times.

When regular people think about Mount Sinai, they might be inspired. Even thankful to the Jewish community for founding such a valued hospital that treats people of all races and ethnicities.

When the haters think about it, they see a great place to perpetuate their own antisemitism.

As they did Monday evening.

Besides the chants of violence, cheering on Hamas, and banging on military style snare drums, there were other acts of intimidation. For instance, the thugs reportedly stopped the car of a female Jewish doctor who was trying to drive home when the protest started, and demanded she honk her horn in support. When she asked protesters to move, they became angry, swarmed her car, and started banging on it. They linked arms to block her from moving. Eventually she was allowed to leave.

Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario, said it well:

And that is the problem – these people do not even have an ounce of decency.

They are full of hatred for the Jewish people, which is why they targeted a Jewish hospital. Just like they have done elsewhere.

Remember, it are not Israel’s actions that trigger this level of Jew hatred, but the Jew-hatred that lead to the types of heinous acts being applauded by these thugs, acts that necessitate Israel to act.

And also remember: if you find yourself on the same side as these people, you are doing life all wrong.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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