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Why My Existence Presents a Threat to the Jew-Haters

My existence presents a threat. Like all threats, I must be eliminated.

I present a clear danger to their false narrative, to the lies they speak and the evil ways they know.

For I was one of them.

I spoke the lies as they did, and I know them too damn well.

I know the lies we tell the world and the truths we utter amongst ourselves.

Zionism has always been the Yahoodi; you don’t need me to tell you that. You can hear it in their religious sermons, in their media, schools, and many conversations spoken.

“From the River to the Sea” is not about one equal state for all; it’s about one state for some and the Jews thrown into the sea.

Take an example from history: while I have a different perspective and understanding of what might have transpired at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the exile of Jews, their version is the one they aspire to, the one they dream of and prepare for.

October 7 was an example of their evil and what they’re capable of.

I am sure you’ve heard the chants, “Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud Jaish Muhammad soufa ya’oud” (“Khaybar, Khaybar, Oh Jews The army of Muhammad will return”). As someone who has come from their world and later immersed in an ideology hellbent on the death of all Jews, they believe that either Jews must submit to Allah, pay the Jizya, or suffer death.

Therefore, I present a clear and present danger to their evil ideology and must be, to put it mildly, “Taken care of” in the words of the mob.

In the end, arm yourselves with the facts. Study your enemy – it’s the only way you can defeat him, and it’s even better if done from the inside.

About the author

Picture of ahmad 4israel

ahmad 4israel

Ahmad is a Palestinian Muslim who realized the truth and seeks peace with his Israeli brethren. You can find him on Twitter at @Ahmad4ISRL.
Picture of ahmad 4israel

ahmad 4israel

Ahmad is a Palestinian Muslim who realized the truth and seeks peace with his Israeli brethren. You can find him on Twitter at @Ahmad4ISRL.
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