Yesterday there was a train wreck and I could not look away.
It involved the increasingly deranged Candace Owens and Shmuley “Bobblehead” Boteach.
Admittedly, I was folding laundry at the time and wanted something to listen to in the background, but – yes I know – that doesn’t make it right.
Watch at your own peril.
I don’t want to dissect the entire thing, but suffice to say, Owens remained cool, calm and collected while saying the most ludicrous things while Shmuley did Shmuley, even if what most of what he said was true.
To be clear: I believe Candace Owens to be an antisemite, despite her denials and attempts at intellectual sophistry. Besides her previous comments, I believe only someone with a disdain for Judaism could attack and misrepresent the great Lubavitch Rebbe, a great man who cared for all of humanity and whose good deeds touched Jew and non-Jew alike. As Robert F. Kennedy Jr put it:
But the clincher for me was what she said near the very end of the debacle debate:
Clearly, Owens has contempt not just for “Zionists” and “Frankists” (and any other euphemism you can think of for “Jews”), but Judaism itself.
Much of the bloody history of antisemitism emanated from those who tried to convert Jews to other religions, including Christianity. And while Owen’s weapon is the proverbial pen rather than the sword, she is part of a wave of incitement against Jews and the Jewish state that could possibly (G-d forbid) lead to more actual bloodshed.
Owens and her fellow Jew-haters who love to quote scripture should be reminded of G-d’s promise to Jewish forefather Abraham in Genesis 12:3:
“And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse”
If Owens continues on this path, history will not look upon her kindly and her name will forever be a curse.