Meet Sudduf Wyne:
A resident of Ontario, Canada, Wyne is a Muslim business coach, mentor, and content creator. She’s the founder of Salam Sudduf, “a highly engaged community that inspires women to step into their purpose and use their voice”, as well as the Director of Marketing a Droplets of Mercy, a “grassroots charity dedicated to creating sustainable impact in communities worldwide.” All this and more while being a mother to young triplets.
And how does she “inspire use their voice?
Calling for violence/”resistance” against Israel for a start:
And yes, when she chants “Intifada” and speaks of “resistance”, you can be sure she means it in a violent way, given her support for Hamas and October 7:
not to mention wearing the red inverted triangle of Hamas:
Yes, she is quite the fan of Hamas, shilling for them to portray them as having been good to the hostages:
even sharing a video of an antisemite (in this case Jackson Hinkle) to make the point
But sharing the words of Jew-haters is not the worst of her own antisemitism. She also makes negative comments around Jewish practice:
engages in Holocaust inversion
uses the slur “Zio”, a well-known antisemitic slur invented by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke:
and calls into question the genealogy of a significant portion of world Jewry:
Just don’t call her antisemitic. She’ll deny it, while trivializing antisemitism:
Sudduf, thanks for playing anti-Zionist-not-antisemite. Unfortunately,