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Kun Qian & William Burns III (WandKtech): The Antisemitic Couple Trolling Jews On LinkedIn

Meet Kun Tian Qian:

kun lgbt1 profile

A former Front-End Developer at TikTok, Qian loves to use his Linkedin account (yes, it is his) to troll pro-Israel people and Jews speaking out against antisemitism.

His hatred of the Jewish state is palpable; he exaggerates casualty figures (like really exaggerates):

calls for us to be bombed:

and celebrates the deaths of Israelis, including IDF soldiers:

but also civilians, including elderly former hostages of Hamas:

A hatred of Israel this intense almost always comes from a hatred of Jews, and this seems to be the case here, as evidenced by his telling a Jewish person to “go back to where you belong” (meaning Israel, ironically not where he thinks we belong), while painting Jews in the US as “cockroaches” who have infiltrated:

and Jews in general as “animals”:

And while he dehumanizes us like Hitler did, he likes to compare us to Hitler and the Nazis (in contravention of the IHRA Working Definition of antisemitism):

invokes the antisemitic “dual loyalty” trope:

and trolls posts purely about antisemitism:

As I mentioned, Qian used to work for TikTok, which has become beset by antisemitism and Israel-hatred. Thankfully, it seems he no longer works there, and he now runs his own web design and development agency called WandKTech with his husband William Burns III.

That’s right, Mr Gaza wouldn’t last a second there.

And hubby shares more than a bed with Kun. He also enjoys trolling Jews on LinkedIn with his Israel-hatred:

that spills over into outright antisemitism:

JEWS are 0.2% of the global population, not 0.02%, but at least we know he doesn’t really mean “Zionists”

By the way, this is how their Wanktech WandKtech website looks on desktop:

I wouldn’t hire them for website design because of their incompetence, let alone their rank antisemitism.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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