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Don’t Just Buy Israeli Stuff, Come Here And Buy Israeli Stuff

The following is a Guest Post by my friend, Jono Rose. He now works setting up tailored tours for people to realise their dreams and visit Israel. The following is partly his story and partly a plug for his company. But don’t let that put you off!

I am a Zionist

I am a Zionist. I grew up a Zionist and I think its safe to assume that I will die a Zionist – hopefully later rather than sooner. Zionism means different things to different people, For me, Zionism meant I felt that not only was it a good idea to have a Jewish homeland, but that I should really put my money where my mouth is and actually live in it. And thats what I’ve done for the last 21 years. I made Aliyah, I served my 1 year in the IDF and then I went to work. For years I worked for a string of Israeli startups selling high-tech products across multiple continents.

I always felt a certain pride in selling Israeli grown technology. I felt like I was doing my bit, and I was earning a living at the same time. Sometimes the products were a little difficult to sell and some of those startups didn’t quite make it. If I was to be completely honest, some of the products were serious dogs, but as a salesman I had to motivate myself to the point where I my potential customers really believed me when I told them they needed my product. Thats the life of a salesman. We need to lie a little to ourselves in order to lie a little to you. (memory fails me for the moment to which circle of hell in Dante’s inferno I am destined)

A couple of years ago (3 to be precise) a buddy of mine (another Zionist in the same spirit who I met in the army) invited me to come and work for him in his private incoming tour company. Another startup, but this time in the tourism industry. Instead of marketing and selling technology, I would be marketing and selling Israel! Thats pretty much what the incoming tourism industry is. My new product was Israel, the “Startup Nation”. Now think about it. Thats an awesome product for a Zionist to sell. Its a product I believe in, otherwise quite frankly I wouldn’t be here.

Its a product that certainly has a market, but theres a huge potential market out there as well. There are so many people out there that don’t know they want to visit Israel. In fact, its a product that customers actually – more often than not – are ecstatic that it has exceeded all their expectations. People thank you for helping to arrange what they often categorise as “the best week or two weeks of their lives!” They tell you they can’t wait to come back, and they will recommend you to all their friends – even the ones who don’t even know they want to come. Its quite simply(IMHO) the greatest product a salesman could sell. I no longer have to lie about how good my product is, and I don’t have to lie to myself to get myself in a state where I can convince others how great my product is.

As you may or may not be aware, we’re currently in the midst of “Buy Israel Week” and undoubtably the best way to show your support for Israel and to stick it in the faces of the BDS ratbags is to visit Israel, and the best way to do that is to arrange a custom private tour. With a custom private tour you can see what you want, at the pace that you want. If you’re interested in Archaeology or hiking or Food and Wine or whatever, a custom private tour allows you to focus on the stuff that interests you. Now I’m not going to lie to you, custom private tours aren’t cheap, but if you have the means, they are definitely worth it.

I work for a company called “Touring Israel” and we are pretty much as high end as you can get as far as private touring companies are concerned in Israel. We’re expensive, but we have the best guides and the best service you can possibly get. We go out on a limb to make sure every tour is our customer’s absolute dream tour. For “Buy Israel Week” I am delighted to offer you a special promotion discount of 10% off the cost of a private guide. All you have to do is contact me before the week is out on March 3rd and I’ll be happy to apply the discount – just send an inquiry via our website and mention this blogpost. BTW, we can also help you with excellent rates on hotels, transfers and anything else you need while you’re in the country.

This “blog post” may now seem like a shameless advertisement and self promotion – and make no mistake, it is – but whatever I am writing here is truly from the heart because I believe in the product and I believe that you will be making the right choice to come and especially to come on a private tour. Talk to me, because I can help you have the time of your life AND support Israel in the process.

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About the author

Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
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