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New Levels Of Cruelty Reached By Arabs In Jerusalem

Update: The source for this post is the “0404 News“, an internet based outlet that report predominantly about Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, IDF. More often than not, they are tipped directly by IDF and Police personnel about items, especially items that do not gain media attention, like rock throwing, firebombs, and other attacks on armed forces and civilians, often accompanied with private photos taken with their cellular phones. While I personally do not doubt the veracity of this report, it should be stated that as of now, no other news outlets or Facebook page in Arabic reported it. J.D.

Old and busted: Arabs throwing rocks at Israelis in Jerusalem.

New sick and revolting horror: Arabs throwing puppies at Israelis.

Horror: Arab residents of Abu Dis Arab threw four puppies at a border police patrol, causing them deaths A heartbreaking action near the separation barrier in Abu Dis, East of Jerusalem. Arabs threw four bags with live puppies from behind the high walls at a border police patrol while on activity. The stunned police were still able hear the puppies whimpering. They opened the bags and found three puppies had died on the spot, and another puppy dying. The cub was transferred immediately to a vet, but died a short time later. The policemen were horrified by the brutality against the pups, and the talk of the day amongst their company dealt with the incident. These are exclusive images of the puppies in the bags, and after they removed the dead puppies. Puppies Jerusalem 0404

I’m waiting for Jodi Rudoren to write about this “initiation ceremony” or “hobby”

About the author

Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
Picture of Judge Dan

Judge Dan

Dan Smith has been exposing anti-Israel fallacies since the first time he opened the world wide web on Netscape Navigator, sometime in the late 90's. His lack of formal journalistic, political and sociological education means he is still capable of objective, unbiased views and opinions. A judge of media, pundits and media pundits.
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