Almost a week ago, I suggested Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin might very well be a big fat liar when it came to the injuries she claimed to have suffered at the hands of the Egyptians.
In the meantime, Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers have exposed her as a big fat hypocrite.
Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of Global Exchange. Wearing her Code Pink hat, she was front and center at the occupy movement, bemoaning the influence of the 1%. Yet both her and her colleague Jodie Evans are 1 percenters, who toy with their activists like true puppetmasters. Read how they set up and then abandoned their activists here
In spite of her populist rhetoric, Medea Benjamin controls the assets of a foundation worth 12 million dollars.
What does the Benjamin Foundation (Id # 84-1618483) spend its funds on? Just what you’d expect. Extremist groups like Code Pink and JVP. Agitprop sites like Mondoweissand Democracy now. Thats not a surprise. However, this might be.
Where does Medea Benjamin invest her money? In classic “Do as I say, not as I do” mode Medea’s money is working hard for her in Intel, General Electric, and wait for it…Caterpillar. All objects du rage for the BDS cru. Apparently divestment does not begin at home.
Medea Benjamin may be fabulously wealthy, but she is as morally bankrupt and fundamentally dishonest as the rest of the BDS cru.
Or perhaps she’s just a fan of Palestinian Tractor.
Naaaa, I’ll go with morally bankrupt and fundamentally dishonest.