The hasbarists have been working overtime trying to defend their beloved Israel from revelations that they flooded Gaza with a dam. In fact, this very shmatteh has an example of the orchestrated effort to engage in this water-washing. Or I guess nowater-washing to be more correct.
Others usually sympathetic to the cause seemed to have been taken in by the hasbarist propaganda, like Sheera Frenkel from Buzzkill who wrote this piece yesterday. Although I must commend Sheera for at least still finding it to be Israel’s fault. What a gal!
Unfortunately, others like The Daily Mail capitulated to the hasbarafia onslaught. It is what the Zionists do best – bombard their target using disproportionate force until they achieve their nefarious objectives.
But not me. I stand out like a beacon of light in the hasbarized darkness. More like a beacon of truth, actually. And true to form, I can reveal from my secret sauce proof that Israel did indeed flood Gaza – a redacted photo from the Daily Mail.
Donation: This is a story you couldn’t read anywhere else in the media but my blog Chicken Olam. Mainstream outlets either cannot or will not publish such stories. Donate or I’ll waterboard you.
Warning: The above is satire based on the views of a real person. At least, we think he is.