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Tuesday Night Funny: John Oliver Takes On Israeli Election Ads

I promised myself not to post about the upcoming Israeli elections. But then John Oliver went and did this, and I couldn’t resist.

7 thoughts on “Tuesday Night Funny: John Oliver Takes On Israeli Election Ads”

  1. That scary Likud ad could have been run by either one of our parties in a presidential election. There seems to be an unmistakable American touch to Israeli elections these days. You guys are even voting on a Tuesday, just like us.

    1. But WE get the day off!

      (It’s worse. Last time the Livni campaign ran the equivalent of the infamous Johnson Daisy Girl commercial.)

  2. So Herzog-Livni, full of NIF (Code Pink for Americans) stooges, is center-left, and Likud, which is still pretty socialist, is right-wing?

    He didn’t mention the counter-YA ad by Kulanu, which was the exact same length as the YA ad, but just showed an empty landscape the entire time, with no voiceover at all.

    PS – You have to watch it on YouTube directly, now. Just click on the YouTube icon.

  3. I am really getting sick of the continual astroturfed commercials I am seeing, circumventing the election laws (*). I never see a Bibi ad. I see one of these continual anti-Bibi ads, sometimes from Yesh Atid, but that’s it. I finally watched Netanyahu’s speech, and it was interspersed with attack ads against him.

    I don’t have any issue with foreign experts or money, but everyone should play by the same rules. And the U.S administration itself should not be getting involved, even under the table, particularly after its hypocritical remarks about the speech.

    (*) I am against campaign laws in the US, but that is an issue of American Exceptionalism. Over the course of my life I realized than no-one understands civil liberties the same way the American Constitution does. And that is perfect for the US. Europe frankly doesn’t deserve it, and Israel, which has been at war for its entire existence, can’t afford it, although I think some restrictions on speech are archaic and definitely should be abolished; they are only used by the Left to keep itself in power no matter who is elected.

    1. Just tell yourself it will all be over on Tuesday. I would think the really interesting part of Israeli elections is the horse-trading that goes on behind closed doors among the parties to see who will form the government and which politician gets which minister ship. I would never trust American politicians with that kind of power.

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