Yesterday, Judy Mozes, television personality and the wife of Silvan Shalom, Israel’s Interior Minister, made the news – for what was roundly condemned as a “racist” tweet.
Leaving aside discussions around whether the tweet is actually racist, it is certainly dumb and offensive. Then again, so was calling Netanyahu “chickensh”t”. But I digress.
Israel-hating blogger Richard Silverstein has predictably pounced on this, in another attempt to discredit the Israeli government.
Israeli Oligarch, Wife of Likud Minister, Calls Obama “Weak and Black”
Many observers of this government have noted its extremism, intolerance, propensity to support violence, and racism. Judy Mozes has only reinforced that impression.
This is all very rich coming from Silverstein (see what I did there?).
@MatthewKalman And let's not forget yr good friend, Palestinian 'Uncle Tom' Abu Toameh. JPost's favorite Arab.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) January 2, 2014
They finally did it: found a Negro Zionist: Uncle Tom is dancin' for joy! ^rs
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) February 22, 2014
@alexbkane Bullshit. When Christian fundamentalist exploits race 2 call Judith Butler a "vile anti-Semite" u bet I'll call her what she is
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) February 24, 2014
@cvaldary accused me of implying she's "house slave," which is pretty much what she is in relation 2 Israel Lobby except she's paid.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) February 27, 2014
@weinstein_g I called her "Negro Zionist" and "Uncle Tom." She's no slave coz she's paid 2 do what she does. Also, she's a willing flunky.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) February 28, 2014
And let’s not forget his own racist coffee-related “joke.”
@cvaldary Hope you get that internship w Brett Stephens. Likes his coffee: double sugar & cream. Ur meant 4 each other.
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) September 14, 2014