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WATCH: Richard Silverstein VS. Zionist Monsters From Mars

Readers of Israellycool are well aware of the Israel-centric fever swamp fantasies of Seattle based Doucheblogger ™, Richard Silverstein. His science fiction inspired tales of monster like Zionists rampaging across the galaxy are perfectly paired with Iranian Press TV and their own Jew obsessed paranoia. Watch.

About the author

Picture of Zion Mike

Zion Mike

A semi hard working family man, Zion Mike's primary goal is getting a good nap. Living in a world of demented anti-Israel wackiness has compelled Mike to blog here. He is consistently surprised when people take notice.
Picture of Zion Mike

Zion Mike

A semi hard working family man, Zion Mike's primary goal is getting a good nap. Living in a world of demented anti-Israel wackiness has compelled Mike to blog here. He is consistently surprised when people take notice.
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