Recently on Twitter, Israel haters have embarked on what is called a “Twitter storm,” inundating Twitter with tweets using a specific hashtag, in this case #TotalEclipseofGaza, to highlight Gaza’s electricity problems (to be blamed on Israel, of course).
But I guess they are not confident enough in their ability to keep their “facts” straight (read: lies), because some of them set up a Google Doc instructing what exactly to tweet!
It looks like there are two ringleaders: Robby Martin and Stefanie Eisgrou.
Martin goes by the Facebook name Ziobasher. He’s also a huge terrorist supporter.
Eisgrou similarly has a timeline full of anti Israel propaganda (lies) like this:
Notice her profile picture. It may look familiar.
She has also written on defamation and slander. Which is ironic, given what she is engaging in is slander of the Jewish state. Not to mention the constant libel me and other Israel supporters are subjected to at the hands of the haters.
It is hilarious to me that the haters – constantly claiming pro Israel supporters are coordinated – would be caught doing this. Not to mention publicly posting Google docs. Have they not learned their lesson?