A series where I bring to you news from the archives and historical documents to debunk common misconceptions about the Middle East conflict.
As you know, much of the Muslim world is enraged, protesting and threatening more violence over Israel’s installation of metal detectors at the Temple Mount.
I have already posted how the whole thing is bogus, hiding the real reason for the rage: the fact that the infidel Jews are in control and making decisions.
Here’s another indication: no Muslims were protesting or holding days of rage back in the 1950s when Jordan allowed the Muslim shrines to be in a state of disrepair and neglect (in addition to the Jewish and Christian ones of course) – a way worse situation than having metal detectors, one would have thought.
Note also the New York Times mentions the Jewish history of the site predating Islam, as well as the fact Jews were forbidden from even the Western Wall (yet the Jews did not hold days of rage or threaten violence either, despite the fact this is also way worse than the mere inconvenience of metal detectors).
Note: I cannot provide a link to the full article since it is only available to those who have purchased a NY Times subscription. But I have provided screenshots below. As usual, click on the screenshots to enlarge.