I guess he does not like me pointing out his pathological hatred of Israel and antisemitism, but former CNN journalist Jim Clancy has decided to libel this website (and hence me).
IsraellyCool is not a reliable source for anything but Islamophobia. Hasbara. (Propaganda to favor Israel hardliners) https://t.co/3FOZ1FIrdA
— Jim Clancy (@ClancyReports) May 14, 2018
The Islamophobia smear is a common one I am already used to; the haters invoke it especially when they cannot rebut my points on their merits. In this case, Clancy responded to a tweet from someone who was suggesting that he was not telling the full story:
..even though the pic is totally authentic (how he connected it with me, I do not know. Perhaps he lurks around the site). But instead of addressing it on its merits, he went after Israellycool, in unhinged fashion.
For the record, speaking out against Islamic terrorists is not Islamophobia – unless you argue all Muslims are terrorists (a vile smear I would never make, and something I of course do not believe).
Jim Clancy has yet again shown he is not interested in the truth – as a good journalist would be. He has a clear anti-Israel agenda, and no compunctions about smearing those who stand in his way.