In honor of my wife’s memory, and to help continue her amazing legacy, I will be republishing over the next few months some of her writings, which not only give an insight into how amazing she was, but really helped inspire so many people around the world.
My plan is to also publish her writings in a book, along with testimonials from those who were somehow inspired or helped by her (whether by her writings or good deeds). If that includes you, please send your experiences to me at israellycool-at-yahoo-dot-com.
Take a Hike
First published Feb 3rd 2016
Take a hike.
My apologies to all readers who are in cold and snowy climates. Today in the Holyland, where I am, it’s splederific outside! The sun is shining and there isn’t a cloud in the sky.
My stress level has reached its boiling point and its limit.
Today, I’m telling you all to take a hike! I NEED a break. A hike.
Give me a break from from our reality in Israel. As I passed a neighbor’s car, I heard the tragic news of more terrorist stabbings.
I need to breathe, as I wait and think and decide how I’m going to deal with this cancer that won’t quit.
Today, my friend, a doctor who had just come off of a night shift and four hours of interrupted sleep, called me and asked if I’d like to take a hike.
And now – all I ask of you, my dear readers, is to take a hike, a break for a few minutes to forget about all the difficult challenges we face and take a look at what blessings of rain do to the Land of Israel… a mere few minutes from my house.
Right now is the perfect weather for the wild lupines (turmusim) to start blooming. In a couple of weeks, the entire top of the hill will be covered in wild purple flowers, Divine art. This beautiful piece of Israel is situated between Tel Azeka and Elah Valley. The battle of David and Goliath happened nearby in the Elah Valley. There are lacy petals of red kalaniot and other indigenous flowers to this unique hill, known as Givat HaTurmusim (Lupine Hill). It was a most serene place to breathe in the crisp air while listening to the happy pitch of birds’ songs, smelling the sweet nectar of the flowers all around, and stepping on the same grounds as our ancestors.
Take a few minutes and transport yourself to a beautiful, flowery carpet in the hills of Judea.
Original song written and performed by, Shahar Falk, during Oferet Yitzukah war. Remixed for this video.