You may recall how Hollywood actor Seth Rogen landed himself in hot water last year when he questioned Israel’s existence. He subsequently “apologized,” but made it clear not really.
It should have been obvious then that Rogen is simply not a good person. A shitty one actually. But it seems Seth wanted to remind us all of this, with this response to journalist Eve Barlow tweeting out her latest piece on the rise in online antisemitism she has encountered as someone who defends Israel online:
In case you don’t understand his response, it is a fart emoji. He is responding to what Eve described in her piece:
I don’t know who crafted the first tweet that simply said “Eve Fartlow,” but whoever it was—bot or human—started a fire. Over the past two weeks, Twitter has been littered with the words “Eve Fartlow.” Every time I tweet, this title is the response I attract, and it is pelted at me irrespective of what I write. Hundreds of trolls, some with blue ticks and some without, just start responding to me “Eve Fartlow” (some people have recently switched it to “Eve Shartlow” but “Eve Fartlow” seems to be the one that sticks). If we donated a JNF tree to Israel for every time someone tweeted “Eve Fartlow,” there’d be no Negev left.
Tensions in the Middle East erupted this past month, so you may be thinking, “Why’s this dumb Zionist liar playing the victim? She should ‘cope’ (still not sure what this means). She’s complaining to me from her Los Angeles apartment about people spelling her name in a dumb way online. She’s not wading through rubble. She’s not running from rocket fire. She’s not surrounded by senseless violence. Let’s ratio her!”
You’re right. I have not been living in a bomb shelter. I have not had my house cave in. So I have asked myself the same thing, because neither have all the people (or bots?) tweeting my name incorrectly, doing everything they can to discredit the messaging I’m trying to relay to my followers to challenge the way this conflict has been narrated by mainstream media and social media influencers. I challenge it because the truth matters. The truth protects lives.
Due to the juvenile nature of this “Eve Fartlow” attack, which sounds like it was invented by a 3-year-old high on Pop-Tarts, I wondered if the bombardment of “Eve Fartlow” tweets was engineered to drive me insane. Perhaps it was a form of digital waterboarding aimed at forcing me to surrender, delete all my accounts, log out of all my devices, and commit digital suicide. “Eve Fartlow” is not my name, regardless of how many thousands of times it’s echoed back at me by trolls online. But unfortunately for the troll army, Eve Barlow isn’t really my name either. Barlow has been my family’s name for three generations, but before that our name was Berelovitch. We changed it when my family fled czarist Russia during the Eastern European pogroms in the late 19th century. And before Barlow was Berelovitch it was Dov Ber. That name is my connection to the Levant. That name is my indigenous link to Israel. You want to talk about ethnic cleansing? Ask your Jewish friends the stories of their surnames.
“Eve Fartlow” is an intimidation tactic; a playground jibe meant to drown out my voice online.
In other words, Rogen’s response to Eve’s piece on online bullying and antisemitism – the relentless attacks on Jews everywhere because we are Jews – is to side with those attacking us.
Although Rogen is the type of “comedian” who loves fart jokes, don’t think he was just trying to be funny. He was throwing his hat in the ring with the Jew-haters.
When another Twitter user mocked Eve’s name while simultaneously bashing Israel, Rogen approved:
And when former NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind tweeted his disgust at Rogen:
Seth, how pathetic are you? How desperate are you to be liked by Jew haters that you’re trolling a Jew on their behalf?
How shall I say this in words you’ll comprehend? 🤔
You’re a shanda!
But you can come pick on me if it’ll keep your creepiness away from Jewish women 👌🏻
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) May 26, 2021
Rogen loved some nasty responses that also showed hatred towards Israel:
Seth Rogen is the type of Jew the haters love. Or at least pretend to – because let’s face it, Jew-haters do not like any Jews, but they are certainly willing to use the useful idiot ones.
And Seth Rogen is certainly an idiot.