Meet Abdulazeez aka Abood Swaiti:
A medical student at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine,
he may be a swaiti when it comes to his mother, but he’s abood boy when it comes to Jews:
He has since deleted his Twitter account, but screenshots and web archive of his tweets are forever.
I dunno about you, but I wouldn’t want this guy becoming a doctor and being around Jews aka “bitchass long nose stingy f*ckboys.”
Swaiti is not the first Jew-hater with medical ambitions and won’t be the last. We just need to make sure he and the others are never in the position to act on their unhinged hatred.
You can contact the East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine via the email form here, or by calling 252-744-1020.
Hat tip: Stop Antisemitism