Back in October 2015, Israa Jabis tried to detonate a car bomb at a checkpoint. She ended up causing a fire in her car, resulting in her sustaining serious burns on her face, hands, back and chest, and an amputated hand.
Yep, sucks to be her.
She was sentenced to jail for the attempted terror attack and since then, the anti-Israel propagandists have shilled for her, while lying about how her car caught on fire. They have also been claiming she is in urgent need of medical care, which as I noted has been a claim they have made for over three years, hinting that it might not be that urgent.
The propagandists are now at it again, with some now just mentioning her car “caught on fire” after she had a car accident:
Some have gone to ridiculous lengths with their propaganda (The Moaning Israa, anyone?!)
By the way, in the above posts, the propagandists claim she gets nothing more than “painkillers.” This contradicts Israa’s claim that she gets nothing at all.
Liar liar, pants (and everything else) on fire.