Remember Suhair Nafal, the vile Jew-hater whose antisemitic tweets I posted about a few months ago?
Here’s a reminder of her “work”:
Well, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has presented her with a leadership award:
The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is happy to present this year’s Hala Maksoud Leadership award to Suhair Nafal.
This Award is presented annually to a community leader who has shown outstanding commitment and leadership, strength and compassion toward the concerns of the community.
Bear in mind that the ADC claims to “support the human and civil rights of all people and opposes racism and bigotry in any form.”
The question is: are they aware of Nafal’s vile Jew-hatred? I find it hard to believe no-one there sees her social media posts. And the keynote speaker at their awards Gala was Miko Peled, who himself has a history of making antisemitic statements.
You can view Peled’s vile speech at the Gala, full of history revisionism and mockery of Jewish history, here:
But back to Nafal, who is really enjoying the fact she received the award, as well as recognition of it from the California State Assembly (and Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris), despite being (justifiably) called an antisemite:
That the ADC, which claims to be against racism and bigotry, would honor this Jew hater is unfortunately not surprising. The fact the California State Assembly did is even more disturbing.