I keep saying (and I am certainly not alone in this) that the hate we are seeing towards Israel is not confined to just Israel. These people certainly are trying to assist in the destruction of the Jewish state, but it never ends with the Jewish state. These same people are also working towards the destruction of the US and the West.
This is why, for instance, we saw them burning the US flag at one of Nerdeen Kiswani‘s anti-Israel protests in NYC, and why Nasser Mashni and gang helped organize “Invasion day” rallies on Australia Day.
Elon Musk of all people recently tweeted out the following video of one of the protesters admitting to this, the ultimate goal of their movement:
Most reasonable people, because they are reasonable, cannot believe that the goal of the far left is to end America
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 19, 2024
I sincerely hope more people sit up and take notice. Elon Musk tweeting it out to his almost 180 million followers is a start.
Standing with Israel means standing with Western civilization and all the freedoms afforded to us all.
Update: By the way, this also explains how the Woke left can be in bed with Islamic radicals who stand for things they really should find untenable (such as persecution of LGBTQ, and the subjugation of women). With their neo-Marxist beliefs, these wokesters have found common cause with people who would have them murdered if their dream of the fall of the West were to ever be realized.