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Antisemite’s Full Court Press (TV)

Iran’s Press TV interviews Mark Glenn of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, who makes a number of highly offensive and untrue claims, including:

  • Israeli military action against Gaza is not a reaction to terrorism but rather a way to unite Israelis who are always “squabbling”:

The Israelis are going to engage in this kind of behavior irrespective of any reaction on the part of the Palestinians or any provocations on the part of the Palestinians.

The Israelis, as our previous guest mentioned here very accurately, they have a very fractured society and always squabbling. The only way they can hold together this very fractured society is to unite everybody around some type of military action such as just took place.

And so you will see Israel, as she has done throughout her existence, she will engage in these kinds of operations, initiating violence against innocent people in order to hold together what I said before with an organically fractured society

  • Israel inflicts more suffering on the palestinians than was inflicted on the Jewish people during the Holocaust. 

We have to remember that Israel was founded upon the sympathy of the world because the narrative that the world has been [led] considering how the Jews of Europe have been treated during World War II, that therefore they deserve a place of their own.

Well, that sympathy has now extended itself way beyond its shelf life. And people around the world are finding it increasingly difficult to continue looking back in history over the years through the suffering that is said to have taken place on the part of European Jews when you have people today who are suffering the same thing and worse.

  •  Israel perpetrates terror attacks against her own civilians and blames it on the palestinians.

The problem with Israel is a master magician. She’s able to bend reality in such a way as to change people’s thoughts and feelings about things. We cannot under Israel’s willingness to, for example, blow up a few pizzerias in Tel Aviv and to blame them on Palestinian elements in order to change the growing opposition that many people around the world feeling towards her.

Of course, none of this is surprising. Mark Glenn is a known antisemite who co-founded the Crescent and The Cross Solidarity Movement, a group presenting itself as a Muslim-Christian interfaith forum dedicated to Muslim-Christian co-existence but which demonizes Jews, Judaism and Zionism.

The mission statement of the group says:

Christianity and Islam are not at war…. The present conflict between the two religions is an artificial conflict that has been deliberately constructed by a third party who stands to benefit from the two religions wiping each other out. This third party is the Zionist agenda that is using a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy and done with the interests of seeing that in the end the Jewish supremacist agenda reins over the world and its inhabitants. Zionism is an expansive, aggressive ideology steeped in racial supremacist themes. The ‘chosen people’ (as Jewish supremacists term themselves) believe that they have been blessed by God with the task of subduing the whole world…. what has happened is that the Zionist state of Israel, a Jewish supremacist entity that believes that it is destined to rule the world… has, through her interlocking network of loyal assistants, pitted these two worlds against each other in what is an unjust and unnecessary spilling of innocent blood… Our mission is to tell the truth about all the entities that are involved…

And it is understandable that Iran’s Press TV would turn to such a person.

But, of course, we are told time and again that those who criticize Israel are not antisemitic. From my experience, this is only true in a minority of cases.

Update: The Press TV article in which the above  interview features is entitled ‘Palestinian suffrage in Israel worse than WWII Jewish plight.’

Reminds me of this classic:

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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